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Service to the community is another fundamental principle of Boy Scouts. Troop 184 participates in many different activities within our town of River Edge, New Jersey.

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River Edge Day

Troop 184 hosts a booth at River Edge Day. Scouts from Troop 184 also help other booths with their setup and breakdown.


Fourth of July Parade

Troop 184 marches in the town parade to celebrate our nation's independence. Scouts and leaders march in formation with the American flag, our troop flag and our troop banner proudly displayed.


Memorial Day Services

Troop 184 gathers together with the town to salute and remember our soldiers and sailors who fought for our freedom. It was held indoors this year due to inclement weather.


9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

September 11, 2001 was a dark day in our nation's history. Troop 184 joins with the residents of the town of River Edge to remember those we lost on that dreadful day.


Scouting for Food

Along with the other scouting units in River Edge, Troop 184 participated in this annual service of collecting food for donation to a local food pantry.

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Service to our Sponsor

As service to our sponsor, St. Peter's Church, Troop 184 lights and maintains the vigil fire for the Easter service, and performs color guard duties at the Thanksgiving service.

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